Wednesday, January 12, 2011

life skills through drama one day planning

            ONE DAY PLANNING
  • the name of life skills
  1. problem siolving
  2. decision-making
  3. creative thinking
  4. effective communication
  5. critical thinking
  6. interpersonal skills
  7. self awareness
  8. empathy
  9. coping with stress
  10. coping with emotion
  • why the lifeskill is necessary in the education?
  • coping with emotion:
  1. walk game: hot-cold-mud-rain-water
  2. how many names of emotions do you know?make a list..
    make a general list
    discuss-why the list is important?
  3.discussion points:
  • are all the feelings we all have ok?..why?
  • when do you feel sad/happy/angry..?
  • how do you know you are happy/sad/angry..?
  • can somebody feel two emotion at one time?
  • can you hide your emotion?
  • do you think there are time when people should hide their emotion?
  • can feelings change?
activity statue:


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